12피트 x 10피트 잭레그 캐빈(플라스티솔)

12피트 x 10피트 잭레그 캐빈(플라스티솔)

New 12ft Portable Jackleg Cabin Features
Windows & Doors are in fixed positions
Vinyl floor as standard (carpets can be fitted on request)
Goosewing Grey Exterior
Electric timed panel heater


Our 12ft x 10ft Jackleg Cabin from our standard range is usually available for immediate delivery from stock held at our base in USA.

Based on a fixed open plan design (with or without a fitted canteen) with limited options means we can offer these from stock and at some of the cheapest prices available for portable cabins in the USA.

New 12ft Portable Jackleg Cabin Features

  • Windows & Doors are in fixed positions
  • Vinyl floor as standard (carpets can be fitted on request)
  • Goosewing Grey Exterior
  • Electric timed panel heater

If you are looking for a 12ft portable jackleg cabin with more options we recommend our range of built-to-order cabins. Please contact our portable cabin sales team further advice.

Product Specifications

외부 길이(m)3.66
외부 폭(m)3.05
External Width excluding Jacks (m)3.05
External Width including Jacks (m)3.18
외부 높이(m)2.75
내부 길이(m)3.46
내부 폭(m)2.85
내부 높이(m)2.3
문 너비(m)0.8
도어 높이(m)1.99
현재 장바구니가 비어 있습니다.

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