
Our Process/History


I want to tell you about our fantastic Business Management System (BMS). It’s like our secret sauce that helps us do things right when it comes to quality, the environment, and keeping everyone safe. You see, it’s all designed to meet the rules set by ISO 9001:2015 for quality, ISO 14001:2015 for the environment, and ISO 45001:2018 for health and safety. Or if we need to follow any other standard that’s like those. It’s our way of making sure we’re doing things the best way possible.


No matter if you’re just someone like you or a big company needing lots of storage containers, we promise to work really professionally. We have special certificates and rules, both in our country and around the world, that help us do things right. It’s all to make sure our team, customers, and suppliers are happy and safe.


With our many years of experience in the business, we promise to give you the best stuff without making you pay too much. Besides shipping containers and changing containers into cool stuff, we now also have flat pack storage containers, little offices you can move, and bathroom blocks you can take with you. No matter what kind of container thing you want, we always give you the good stuff.


Our clients can tell you! We’ve helped out big companies like Ausgrid, Caltex, BHP Billiton, Boral, the Australian Federal Police, Bechtel, Centennial Coal, Coates, Coca Cola, ABI Group, Crowne Plaza, Daracon, Downer EDI, Myer, Newcastle Knights, Origin Energy, and Qantas with shipping containers.


Shipping containers are well-liked because they have lots of uses. They are strong, tough, and you can pile them up on top of each other, which makes them super for moving stuff around and keeping it safe. You can bring them to where you want, move them around when you need, and take them away when you’re done. That’s why lots of folks use them on farms to keep tools safe, in offices to store things, and some even use them as places to live or work from.


 When it comes to regular storage, a shipping container is quite affordable. It’s a movable and budget-friendly choice if you need extra space. Plus, if you have things to move, getting or renting a container is the best way to go.

The type of shipping container you should pick depends on what you need. There are lots and lots of containers to pick from, and they come in all sorts. If you’re just storing regular stuff, a regular container is fine, but if you have things that need to stay cold, you might want a refrigerated one. There are also lots of other choices, like containers with special changes made to them.

You have two options for keeping a shipping container – you can keep it right where you want it on your land, or you can choose a container yard to look after it for you. You can lock it up with a padlock, or if you want more safety, you can have a special lockbox added to it.


When we talk about dimensions of a container, we mean how long and tall it is and the size of its doors. We look at both the inside and outside measurements, which are usually in feet, and there are also measurements in millimeters that follow standard sizes.

The price of a shipping container changes with the market and how much people want them. It also depends on their condition. Used ones usually start at about £1600 to £1800, while cargo-worthy containers are around £2000. If they’re all fixed up and looking new, they can cost between £2500 to £3000.


The bottom part of a shipping container is made from strong plywood used for ships, and the outside is built with tough steel used for ships too. So, if there’s a fire, the container’s structure will stay strong, but the inside might get a bit damaged.
